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29 November 2019
Stramit was proud to help those in need in Victoria recently – literally putting a roof over homeless youth and young families by donating $50,000 worth of roofing and building materials.
The donation was in support of First Response Youth Service in Melton, an innovative new project by Hope Street Youth and Family Services.
Operating in Victoria since 1981, Hope Street provides comprehensive and empowering support to young people and young families who are experiencing, or at risk of, homelessness. The organisation focuses on the holistic needs of those they care for, not just housing.
The First Response Youth Service includes a youth refuge that will provide crisis accommodation to young people and young families and will operate 24/7, and a mobile outreach service that operates seven days per week including after hours. Over 220 young people will be supported per year.
The service is a first for the north-western growth corridor of Melbourne. The project is currently under construction and will be completed by mid-2020.
Brendan Rundle, Metro Operations Manager for Stramit, says it’s a vital service to the area for our youth, and explains why the company chose to support Hope Street.
“Stramit is so proud to be partnering with Hope Street and making a difference to these young people and families in need,” he says.
CEO for Hope Street, Donna Bennett, says she is thrilled to have Stramit’s support, as care for our most vulnerable young people is vital.
“Stramit is not only providing a roof over their heads, but they are also the first corporate to commit their support to the project, which has strengthened our position and assisted us to secure further support.
“Stramit’s support to Hope Street comes through several different channels – including the donation of the roofing materials, the contribution of regular toiletry and gift items for young people, the provision of Christmas gifts for young people, and even donations and support from individual staff members,” she says.
“We are beyond grateful.”
Brendan wanted to also acknowledge others who had contributed to the worthwhile cause.
“A big thank you to Travis, Nic and the team at JWL, who delivered Stramit products free of charge, and also the ongoing efforts in collections for Hope Street coordinated by Maria Pilens.
“And also, most recently, to two of our team in the warehouse, Paul Craven and Jerry Baviello who donated their $100 internal staff award to Hope Street, instead of taking them home,” he said.
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